Rainbows were much on my mind by the time we arrived in San Francisco for the final three days of our trip

Chasing Rainbows Throughout California
Written on February 25, 2011
Not an Orphan Now
Written on February 18, 2011
“After my mother died, my brother told me, ‘You’re an orphan now.’
Enter the Clouds
Written on January 21, 2011
One of the joys of editing Five More Minutes With is meeting like-minded people with similar interests–interests such as shooting photographs of clouds. . .
The Power of Ritual
Written on January 13, 2011
Do you take the time to pause, notice, and offer respect for each activity you do? For each person you meet? Do you honor and appreciate your own thoughts?
Eat, Love, Pray in the New Year
Written on January 6, 2011
A column by Kathleen Parker, a syndicated columnist at The Washington Post, urges us to “Eat, Pray, Love. Sort of. Call it EPL 2.0: Eat less, pray in private, love because. . .what’s the alternative?”
Holiday Flowers That Inspire
Written on December 16, 2010
By now, those of you who are part of the Five More Minutes With community know that one of the ways in which I relax and savor life is arranging flowers
Contemplating Beautiful Statues
Written on December 9, 2010
But here’s the the statue that captured my interest and heart the most. . .the Mother Mary is simply resplendent in her candle-filled coffer. Seems especially appropriate during the holiday season.
Do You Have a Lost Love?
Written on December 2, 2010
On a brilliantly sunny day in Palm Springs, Diana Wentworth read several inspiring poems to a rapt audience. “A Remedy for Insomnia” particularly resonated with me. . .
The Stillness After the Snow
Written on November 25, 2010
Snow gripped the Northwest last Sunday and Monday, just in time to set the scene for Thanksgiving week. It was a beautiful display of Mother Nature’s craft as tiny snowflakes danced around downtown, over Elliott Bay, and to points far beyond.
Beautiful Bouquets and My Mother’s Vase
Written on November 18, 2010
Everybody loves receiving a bouquet of fresh-cut flowers (yes, even some men I know!). There’s just something so uplifting and joyous in receiving such a gift of nature. White dahlias and star-gazer lilies in my mother’s vase And as I’ve said before, I love to arrange flowers, then my husband works his magic in his […]