Five More Minutes With Goes Inside My Skull for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on October 28, 2013

With Halloween on October 31, and Dia de los Muertos, which spans October 31 to All Saint’s Day on November 2, Five More Minutes With spends a few minutes sharing links with unusual/macabre/death-oriented websites

Keep reading: Five More Minutes With Goes Inside My Skull for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos

More stories from: Featured Story,With Myself,With You

Five More Minute With Spends Time with a Bank Account for Old Age

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on October 21, 2013

“Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you’ve put in.”

Keep reading: Five More Minute With Spends Time with a Bank Account for Old Age

Five More Minutes With Spends Five Minutes With the Before I Die Project

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on September 30, 2013

What do you want to do Before You Die?

Keep reading: Five More Minutes With Spends Five Minutes With the Before I Die Project

Five More Minutes With Spends Time Writing a Eulogy

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on August 26, 2013

Have you ever thought about writing your own eulogy? Who better to do it? Now you can!

Keep reading: Five More Minutes With Spends Time Writing a Eulogy

More stories from: Featured Story,With Myself

Inspiring Poem: The Guest House

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on October 15, 2012

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Keep reading: Inspiring Poem: The Guest House

Inspiring Moment: With Nature

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on October 8, 2012

Don’t miss seeing these three gorgeous shots taken on Mt. Rainier, a 14,411-foot peak just outside of Seattle, Washington.

Keep reading: Inspiring Moment: With Nature

Five More Minutes With Poem: Love After Love

Written by Derek Walcott on September 13, 2012

Give back your heart 
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart.

Keep reading: Five More Minutes With Poem: Love After Love

  • Mrs. Crow Comes to Town

    So late last week, when a rather ratty looking crow came a callin’ along the iron railing that forms the border for our balcony, both SJ and I were intrigued by this unusual show of urban wildlife right outside our living-room and bedroom windows.

    Keep reading Mrs. Crow Comes to Town...