Jin and Clio
This letter comes from Jin Jeon, who says, “My family had to euthanize our beloved cat, Clio, on August 28, 2012. We were blessed and fortunate to have her a part of our family for 13 years.”
This is the letter Jin wrote and read to her at her grave.
Dear Clio,
It has been two days since we decided to put you to sleep. The quality of your life has significantly worsened in the past two weeks.
We did not not know if you were pain or not, but everyone in the family could clearly see that you were not the same Clio-san as you were six months ago.
When I first met you in 2000, I thought you were a stupid cat that destroyed everything.
I liked you but you seemed to do things that bothered me and made me mad. You destroyed all my stuff and I want to say I am sorry for how I reacted. I should have never reacted the way I did at certain moments.
As time grew, my love for you continued to grow. You were there for me all the time, both good and bad.
Now, when I look back, I realize that you were very important to me and the family than we once imagined. The bond between you and the family continued to grow year after year.
Personally, you were very special to me and I am sure I can speak for Mom, Dad, and Moon as well.
I know throughout the years everyone in the family was always busy working and doing something, but I now realize you were never too busy for us. You were the best companion a family could ask for, and we thank you for that.
I want you to know that we loved you and you were, are, and always will be a part of our family.
The family and I all shared our moments and special times with you. Thank you for being a part of our life and for the memories.
I remember the good times that we had. When Moon, Mom, Dad or I would come home you would always run up and greet us.
When we laid on the couch, you would lay by us. We would all watch college football on Saturdays and NFL football on Sundays together.
We didn’t have to call you or invite you over because you were the reason why watching it at home made it that more enjoyable for all of us.
I remember telling Emily multiple times in the past few years that I wanted to go to Mom and Dad’s house just to see you.
Yes, I traveled 30 minutes away just to see you.
When I would walk in you greet me and follow me to the sofa and sit or lay next to me. You would always follow me around.
I will miss moments.You would always chill and be around me when I was visiting.
You were humble and noble to me and everyone else even though I treated you badly at times. You forgave me no matter what, and had unconditional love for me and the whole family.
I terribly miss you Clio. Everyone in the family does.
It is not the same without you being around. We look around the house and see your memories everywhere.
As Moon said, “You owned that house.”
You pee’d everywhere when you were a kitten, threw up everywhere, and destroyed everything (all of our furniture and curtains), but you know what? It was worth it. Those things are replaceable and you are not.
I miss your purrs, petting you, and this upcoming football season will not be the same without you around. The holiday season that is coming up won’t be the same either.
But, I know you would want us to move on. But right now, I personally can’t. We all struggling without you around.
You were my best friend and we were tight. It is really sad to think about how those moments we had together weren’t a big deal at the time, but now they are.
I just want you to know that the day we decided to let you go to heaven was the toughest day for everyone in the family. We are still struggling with that fact you are really gone.
I am sure Rufio is sad that you aren’t around as well. It just sucks that when each of us comes home, we expect to see you and think that you will eventually come by us.
It was seriously hard for us not be selfish and keep you alive. I want you to know that making a decision to keep you alive and being miserable versus dying in peace wasn’t fair to you.
When we made the decision to put you to sleep, the family didn’t want your last living memory freaking out at the vet’s office. So we had a vet come to our home so you could die comfortably without being scared.
We know that you appreciated it and that you aren’t hurting or in pain anymore.
I just want to let you know that no other pet could ever replace you. You were one of a kind, unique in every way, and very special to us.
We miss you and hope that we can meet again someday.
We love you,
Jin and the Family

P.S. I quit smoking today because of you. Since you came into my life and left I was always a smoker. I decided to make this sad situation into something positive. Thanks Clio-san