Five More Minutes With Spends Some Time with Threesome Photos

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on October 7, 2013

Hankering to see some of the cutest animal photos you’ve ever seen? Here are animal trios–kittens, puppies. . .even tree frogs!

Keep reading: Five More Minutes With Spends Some Time with Threesome Photos

Five More Minutes With “The Divinity of Dogs”

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on October 25, 2012

Are you familiar with my colleague Jennifer Skiff, author of the amazing book, “God Stories: Inspiring Encounters With the Divine?” She is an award-winning investigative journalist and correspondent for CNN who has just released a new book entitled, “The Divinity of Dogs: True Stories of Miracles Inspired by Man’s Best Friend,” that promises to be as inspiring […]

Keep reading: Five More Minutes With “The Divinity of Dogs”

Lost Love: Rambo

Written by Karrie on February 13, 2011

Rambo saved my heart. I would have become really bitter and would have had no room for love my in heart if it would not have been for him.

Keep reading: Lost Love: Rambo

  • Mrs. Crow Comes to Town

    So late last week, when a rather ratty looking crow came a callin’ along the iron railing that forms the border for our balcony, both SJ and I were intrigued by this unusual show of urban wildlife right outside our living-room and bedroom windows.

    Keep reading Mrs. Crow Comes to Town...