Thinking of My Mother. . .

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on August 13, 2013

On the eighth anniversary of her death. I will remain forever grateful to her for many things, including being part of the inspiration for the Five More Minutes With website. Thank you, darling Mom!

Mom at longwood gardens

Here is one of my all-time favorite photos of her (don’t you love the silver mink stole and orchid-print dress?!?!), which is saying A LOT since she was quite photogenic and beautiful in person (people always said she looked like Kathryn Hepburn).

I’d also like to send my love to our darling Bo-Bo, whose ninth death date we observed over the weekend. We will always miss you and toast to you forever, darling Bo!


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  • Let’s Go Inside My Skull

    Kate Heyhoe, the very first person who contributed a story to Five More Minutes With, is a talented food writer and a dear personal friend. In the past several months, disillusioned by the state of publishing (as so many of us old timers who’ve published books, started Web sites, and written newspaper and magazine articles for a living are), she’s trying her hand at an entirely new career.

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