Five More Minutes With Enjoys Six Heart-Warming Photos

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on December 16, 2013

An email came into my inbox with 22 heartwarming photos from around the world and encompassing all sorts of subject matter. Here are my favorite six!

Penguin family five more minutes with website link

Girl kissing sheep five more minutes with website link

Ostrich mother, father, and babies five more minutes with website link

Old man and cat sleeping five more minutes with website link

Child and sheep in the desert five more minutes with website link


Boy and kitten five more minutes with website link


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  • How to Launch Your Young Adult

    Brad E. Sachs, Ph.D., a friend of mine during my junior and senior high school years in suburban Philadelphia who has since become a valued aficionado of the Five More Minutes With concept and Web site, has just come out with his latest book entitled, “Emptying the Nest: Launching Your Young Adult Toward Success and Self-Reliance.”

    Keep reading How to Launch Your Young Adult...