My memory of my mommy is a fond one.
I remember the day we sat on the porch crying. My Dad had just left us with my little brother in the house we had been living in for five years.
We had no electricity for three years, no gas for two, and never knew what a phone or television was.
Drugs had taken over.
The day my Dad left, my Mom and I at there alone. . .foodless. . .moneyless. . .alone.
In that moment my Mom became a MOM.
She said, “When the smoke clears, we will see the light!”
That day was 13 years ago. She has been sober since then, and has been the Mom I always needed.
It was a miracle we were never taken away, but I am so glad for that.
We became strong women together, and I will never forget her for that.
Thanks, Mommy!