Aunt Jo

Written by Braiden on May 4, 2010

In a previous post, I mentioned that one of the highlights of life since I started FMMW has been getting back in more regular touch with my only aunt, Aunt Jo. She’s written the story of her son (my cousin), Lee, and shared two beautiful photos of him.

She has also been one of my staunchest supporters, dropping me encouraging (unsolicited) notes from time to time, and helping me keep my chin up through all the work and big dreams.

Here is her latest missive, which I wanted to share with you.

“I had time to read many more of your stories today and I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed them. I think you have found a niche that allows many of us to express our love and thoughts for those who are not physically with us today.

“I loved Spencer’s story about Bo-Bo. I remember that he was dear to your hearts. Pets give us such unconditional love.”

Thanks, Aunt Jo. You are a fine human being and lovely lady.

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  • Let’s Go Inside My Skull

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