They Talk Back

Written by Dorothy on March 28, 2010

I want to share an immediate thought – I would hope your question might be widened to: ” And what do they have to say to me?”

In every case, the loved ones I have lost, have sent me a message in some way. It requires listening, rather than speaking, but I don’t think people realize this is possible. Over the years, I have lost my frantic need to say that last thing to my lost family, because we are now in constant daily communication. I don’t mean that in an ooooooooo sort of way – but we do never lose each other.

I’ve long felt that our culture completely misses the fact that love cannot die.

More stories from: With All My Loved Ones

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    Kate Heyhoe, the very first person who contributed a story to Five More Minutes With, is a talented food writer and a dear personal friend. In the past several months, disillusioned by the state of publishing (as so many of us old timers who’ve published books, started Web sites, and written newspaper and magazine articles for a living are), she’s trying her hand at an entirely new career.

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