Diana Hall: Different Ways to Be Clear

Written by Diana Hall on October 29, 2012

Diana Hall is an inspiring businesswoman based in Colorado whose company, Voice By Diana, “helps entrepreneurs find their marketing voice.”

After Five More Minutes With launched a few years ago, she and I worked together to craft succinct message points and questions for radio interviewers that helped me land appearances on programs across the country.

Diana also publishes Your Simple Clarity eZine, something I actually look forward to receiving in my ever-overcrowded inbox each week.

It’s exactly what it says –a simple and quick-to-read list of ideas to make your work and personal lives easier to understand and navigate.

Today Diana is generously allowing me to publish one of her articles (actually a poem): “Different Ways to Be Clear.”

In our busy, work-a-day world, thanks for helping to make our lives more simple and clear, Diana!

Different Ways to be Clear

A friend of mine, Harrison Phillips, is a poet. Much of his poetry is ethereal, and takes “book groups” to discuss and discern.

In this poem, Harrison very simply and clearly touched my heart.

I Look To The Day…

I look to the day…

When all our fears turn into hope

I look to the day…

When our inner self is more important than our ego

I look to the day…

When we realize the importance of humanity

I look to the day…

When we know we are a part of God and that God is a part of us

I look to the day…

When we know in our hearts, our mind, and our soul that there is no sense to prejudice

I look to the day…

When we can look at a man or woman and not see race, creed, or color

I look to the day…

When there is world peace

I look to the day…

When we realize we are all one with the universe and each other

I look to the day…

When we all love one another.–

Harrison Phillips

Let’s all LOOK TO THE DAY! 


More stories from: Featured Story,With God

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