Chelsea Hanson Tells Us How to Make Life Full Again

Written by Chelsea Hanson on May 24, 2012

In today’s blog post, our frequent guest columnist, Chelsea Hanson, founder of With Sympathy Gifts, wants us to make a promise to ourselves after the death of a loved one. . .that our lives can be full again. Thanks for the encouragement and wisdom, as always, Chelsea.

Make a Promise to Yourself….Your Life Can Be Full Again

“When a man takes an oath… he’s holding his own self in his own hands.” ~ Robert Bolt

After losing someone close, do you believe a full and joyful life may be possible for you again? Perhaps your grief is too fresh and the pain is too strong for such a belief to be more than a fleeting thought. When I first lost my mother, I never dreamed this was possible.

It is possible though; you will find joy again – if you make the commitment to seek it out in the small moments of the day. Those small moments will be as seeds in the garden, and soon they will multiply in number. Life’s garden will once again be bountiful. Have trust…there will come a day when you wake up, and your loss won’t be the first thing on your mind…you will look to the day for the treasure it is.

Go ahead. Why not make the promise to yourself that life can be full again? After all, your loved one would want only the best for you…to live your life fully, deeply and, joyously.

Here are some resources that Chelsea suggests to help you see the beauty in life each day:

One Joy Scatters a Hundred Griefs

Coping With Grief: How to Handle Your Emotions

Virtual Book Tour – Interview with Chelsea Hanson, Author of the Sympathy Matters Collection

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