Lost Love: Rambo

Written by Karrie on February 13, 2011

I have had a really tough few years.

I broke up with my ex, moved out.

Was in the middle of a huge argument with friends and eventually lost them.

Rambo came home with me January 1, 2008. a new start, a new friendship.

I still had my friends when he came in my life, but there was so much drama that we needed to take time off from each other.

Rambo saved my heart. I would have become really bitter and would have had no room for love my in heart if it would not have been for him.

I started to work out often (going to my fave places in the woods to walk out stress with Rambo). Ihad even started running for the first time in nine years (after a pretty bad accident I had to stop running).

When things got bad, I just turned to him and he made the world better. He was two when I got him and unfortunately he passed away June 26, 2010.

It was cancer. the hardest thing I have ever had to go through, and I lost a sister when I was six.

My heart broken completely, I could not understand why this was happening. Why after just a year and a half together was my best friend leaving me???

Rambo was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. a cousin of the pitbulls but one of the top five dogs in the world for families.

He was exactly like me, not really a fighter unless he had to, really even tempered and very patient. He was truly my best friend.

Memorial day, two of my friends that I had lost, came back in my life, one being my best friend since high school.

I am so grateful for her being back in my life. Taking the time apart allowed us to really grow as people, but it still didn’t help the question of why?

Why did this happen?

It hit me driving one day as I was praying, more like talking to God. just repeating that I needed strength to carry on, to calm myself down.

But why did this happen to us?

Things happen. It sucks, and sometimes feels unfair. but overall there is always an end.

What if God always knew Rambo was going to get cancer. What if He knew that my best friends would not be in my life for that period of time?

I really really truly believe that God put Rambo and me together because He knew what was going to happen.

Rambo would need someone like me to take care of him, give him the best life he could possibly have while he had remaining time on this earth, but He knew my friendships would be nonexistent for that time.

Here it is the middle of February, and I am still just as heartbroken as I was in June.

A month after he died, Rambo was featured in the Maryland Pet Gazette. My mom has made me a scrapbook of our life together, and my stepmom had a painting done of him.

Apparently, the artist says its her best work, so she is featuring him in her art gallery.

I hope that when people see Rambo’s picture, they feel the love that he gave to everyone and anyone.

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