Five More Minutes With Spends Five Minutes With the Before I Die Project

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on September 30, 2013

Before I Die Book Cover

Have you heard about the Before I Die Project, by artist Candy Chang?

Chang painted the side of an abandoned building in her New Orleans neighborhood with chalkboard paint and stenciled the words, “Before I die I want to ____” as a tribute to a loved one she lost.

When she did that, she never expected it to become a worldwide phenomenon that has spread to more than 50 countries in more than 20 languages.

Now, Chang has collected the most compelling “Before I Die” statements into a 304-page book that will be published by St. Martin’s Press in early November.

What do YOU want to do before you die?

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  • Head in the Clouds Redux

    One of the joys of creating the Five More Minutes With Web site is that I get to do exactly what I want herein. As a “creative” from the first days of my existence, I appreciate not being edited or coached and just being able to express my true thoughts.

    Keep reading Head in the Clouds Redux...