Five More Minutes Savors Summer

Written by Braiden Rex-Johnson on June 24, 2013

Sunny water scene

One of the main tenets of the Five More Minutes With website is that we should love our friends and family each and every day. . .and tell them that while we are all still alive, rather than waiting until it is too late.

We also encourage our readers to enjoy life–every moment of it–as much as possible since you just never know how much time you will enjoy on this great earth.

In the Saturday, June 15, 2013, edition of The Seattle Times, regular contributor The Reverend Patricia L. Hunter offered up an article entitled, ‘Savoring the Summer Seasons of Life,” that struck a particular chord with me.

In it she remarks on the incredible amount of daylight we (at least those of us lucky to live in the Northwest) enjoy during this time of the year. June is a month full of celebrations: Father’s Day, Juneteenth, graduations, weddings, and the solstice.

No matter what you are celebrating, Reverend Hunter urges us to, “pick one or two special days that speak to your heart and plan a soiree!”

She urges us to slow down and rest. Social media is important in many of our lives, but will never take the place of face-to-face conversations.

“When we slow down to celebrate the everyday miracles of life, we have time to refocus our priorities,” she says. “Just like seasons throughout the year, there are seasons in our lives: joy, sorrow, uncertainty, new life and death. No season lasts forever. Even when our hearts are breaking, joy will come again.”

Here’s the link if you wish to read Reverend Hunter’s column in its entirety. Thank to her for urging us to, “stop, smell the roses, and celebrate life!”

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