Writing for Five More Minutes With

Written by Braiden on December 10, 2012

Managing a large Web site, and one with such a provocative zeitgeist as Five More Minutes With, has been a truly unique and rewarding experience for me.

Every now and then, I get an e-mail or comment that lifts my spirits. Such is this one from a fellow cookbook author and food writer (part of my other life), Marie Simmons. She says:

“I wanted to write and let you know that I finally had a moment to spend with your Web site. It is lovely and fabulous and so heartfelt. I have forwarded it to a bunch of friends.

“We have all struggled with loss over the last few years and this is a perfect place to stop, pause, think, and take a moment to really use our words to express all those feelings spilling, and sometimes spewing, from our hearts, if not our gut.

“I will write something as I digest. I loved what you wrote about your Mom. Tight writing, but so pure and sincere.

“I did want to say it is difficult to plunge into these thoughts in such a public forum. I need to process and sort and decide how to do it.

“You might want to address this in content. Maybe begin with poems or other ways to communicate.

“Grief sometimes clouds our thoughts. And in a moment of anguish we may later feel embarrassment at being perceived as “gushing”.

“What I admired about your essay is your ability to “filter” but yet convey your feelings. This is not easy to do.”

Thanks, Marie! You bring up a lot of good concerns. I hope FMMW fans will muster through and submit their stories. . .

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  • Wonderful sentiments about a website that is such a resource to people far and wide who want to remember their loved ones. This website has been a friend to my heart, and I’ve shared it with as many people as I can – and will continue to do so! Keep up the good work, Braiden!

    Comment by Andrew — December 23, 2010

  • How Nice – as an idea to share with others- we have FMMW streaming right into our Facebook page via Dlvr.it Thus, I don’t miss anything, and my friends see everything too. http://www.Facebook.com/WithSympathyGifts

    Comment by Chelsea Hanson — December 23, 2010

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