The Crows Return

Written by Braiden on March 4, 2011

Last spring, along about this time, I wrote a post and uploaded several photos of a pair of crows (whom I quickly dubbed “Mr. and Mrs. Crow”) who enjoyed spending time on our balcony in downtown Seattle.

It’s always quite a joy to realize that, even though our condominium complex is surrounded by a 42-story office building and a 21-story Four Seasons Hotel, bird life still manages to thrive.

So a few days ago, I heard a familiar “caw” and looked up from my writing desk to discover that a crow (perhaps even our very own Mr. or Mrs. Crow?) had returned and was perched on the edge of our balcony.

Just as I did last year, I grabbed my camera and advanced cautiously. Mr. (or Mrs.?) looked doubtful, turned skittish, and quickly flew away.

Over the course of the week, I’d look up periodically to see my feathery friend strolling up and down or sitting on his/her accustomed perch.

Finally, a pair of crows came to visit. Although I didn’t get a clear shot of them together on our balcony, I love this photo of them directly across the courtyard at the Four Seasons. Maybe they’ll check in for an overnight stay for a romantic getaway!

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