The Iconic Skyclock

Written by Braiden on August 26, 2010

Skyclock for

Many people have asked how my talented Web designer, Chris Prouty, and his team at Studio 99 Creative came up with our Web site’s iconic Skyclock.

Now Chris and I have a standing appointment to talk on the phone every Friday at noon, so here’s what he had to say. I thought it might be interesting (not to mention downright inspiring!) for other creative types to see how he goes about his process. So here are Chris’s words of wisdom.

“When I design a logo or iconic element for a Web site, I try to find the one thing that is perfect. I try not to look at other designers’ stuff since I want to be myself and far ahead of the curve.

“When I designed the Skyclock originally, it didn’t contain the clouds. When we put the clouds in, it just brought everything together in one simple package.”

Chris has recently totally redesigned his Web site, so check it out for more inspiring and inspired ideas.

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